Episode 3 - Expert Episode - Dean Jackson
Dean Jackson is one of the greatest innovators in Marketing today. The fact you are listening to this Podcast is due to Deans influence.
You'll here Dean's origin story and how he made his first dollar. Lessons he learned in tennis and real estate.
Other concepts to watch out for;
Of course, as with all my expert guests Dean explains what he would do if he was starting from scratch today.
Do in two days what used to take thirty!
I'll be doing the first two challenge LIVE! workshops in Sydney and Auckland. For $197 US you can come and do the Challenge in two days.
Crazy right!!
More Details - email me ed@thirtydaysonedollar.com
Shoot me an email to ed@thirtydaysonedollar.com and tell me what part of the process you would like me to help you with.
I also love being a podcast guest - shoot me an email and let's organise a time.
Our first brainstorming/solution episode. Choosing a market can be a scary proposition for someone starting out. Choosing a small segment of that market is even harder (even for experienced entrepreneurs)
In this episode we cover
Links Mentioned in the Episode
John Reese of Traffic Secrets fame was the first person to break a million dollars in a day online. He shares with Ed where he came from, how he did it, and how he would start all over again if he had to.
Ed Dale gives a quick overview of Thirty Days Your First Dollar and why it's some important to you.